
Waxing Moon Humidor ~ Series

Through many inquiries and requests, a lot of my clients and potential clients had told me that it would be a good thing to come up with some models that are somewhat "standard", in that you could get an idea of the size and the shape of the humidor which you may want to order....

Although these humidors are labelled as "series", I still consider each and every one a custom humidor as 90% of my humidors are ordered pre-build. 

These series were developed, mainly, on a standard format, with the primary difference being in the aesthetic details and appearance of the humidor.  For example, the Waxing Crescent series was developed to provide a "brass tacks" approach to a solid humidor whereas the Cygnus series would be a "dressed up" version of the same humidor, the level of craftsmanship remains the same between all models in terms of function - the difference is in the details.

Waxing Crescent 






Available Upgrades

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